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Weekly Update (3/3- 3/8)

Writer: Mr. MooreMr. Moore

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!


Hello Folks!

Happy March!

It's an MPA Week for Wind Ensemble! Let's get this bread!

I posted a letter for the band this week. If you haven't read it, here it is:

Band— Some Perspective as We Head Into the Busy Season Over the next 10 weeks, we have a LOT going on—rehearsals, performances, and band events. In 8 of those 10 weeks, there’s at least one performance. We’re in crunch time, preparing for MPAs, concerts, and music festivals all at once. None of this is about me—it’s about you. But it does take a toll on me. In the past, this time of year has seriously impacted my mental and even physical health. I put everything I can into making sure we’re set up for success. For you, the number of events you might be involved in over the next 10 weeks could be as few as 9. For me, it’s over 50. So, why am I telling you this? Because there are a few things you can do that will make this season smoother for everyone—including me.
1. Minimize attendance conflicts. It’s tough to prepare the group when people are missing. I get that things come up—illness, family events, emergencies—but if we want to succeed, we need everyone here. If you have conflicts, know that it could affect parts being reassigned, especially leading up to major performances. If I seem frustrated when you bring up conflicts, it’s not personal—I have to think about the success of the whole group.
2. After rehearsals and performances, take care of business and go home. I love hanging out and talking with you all. I also appreciate that the band room feels like home to many of you. But when we stay too late after events, it means I get home later, which affects my ability to take care of myself. If I’m not at my best, I can’t give you my best. Let’s limit conversations to 20-30 minutes at most.
3. Practice more, come prepared. Too often, we get close to a performance and we’re still fixing basics like notes and rhythms. Everyone has been doing okay at taking responsibility for their music, but there’s room to grow. Think ahead—don’t just focus on the next performance. For example, Wind Ensemble has Concert MPA next week, but are you also preparing for the Prism Concert? Stay a step ahead.
4. Be mature, be understanding, and treat each other well. Every year when we get busier, stress levels rise. Some people get more sensitive, others more direct, and this can lead to unnecessary drama. Remember—we’re a family. Keep the peace, support each other, and don’t let negativity take over. Drama has no place in the band room.
5. Be actively engaged with me. I love when you all are fully invested in what we’re doing—digging into the music, working hard, and enjoying the process. Be present. If we all lean in together, these next few weeks won’t just feel like work—they’ll be some of the best times of our lives. These are the moments you’ll remember.
I’m excited for this busy season with you all. Let’s work together to make it as smooth as possible!

Weekly Walkthrough

 Monday, we have our first Leadership Monday! Be sure to read the information below to know what you need!

Tuesday, Wind Ensemble has Small Ensemble Sectionals (Student Led) from 2:30pm- 3:30pm. Also, there is a Dance Team/ Colorguard Mandatory Meeting. As a reminder, it is possible to be in Colorguard and do Band (to continue to play your instrument)! If you are interested in being a member of our Colorguard team during Marching Season, you should come!

Wednesday, the Jazz Rhythm Section has a jam session with me until 3pm.

Thursday, we have Large Ensemble Sectionals (Student Led) from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. We also have Wind Ensemble rehearsal from 4pm to 6pm. This rehearsal is a Dress Rehearsal, in effect, as it is the last rehearsal before we perform on Stage on Saturday.

Friday, there are no activities scheduled. Wind Ensemble, please take some time to iron your concert attire, eat a good meal, take care of yourself, and get to bed early.

Saturday, Wind Ensemble has Concert MPA. Call time for members of Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band both are 8:30am. Members of Symphonic Band should not dress in concert attire, but should dress 'nicer'. For questions about what is appropriate, reach out to Anthony (uniform manager) or your captain. Remember to bring $$$ for the Mall! Full Itinerary can be found here!


March/ April at- a- glance


Leadership Mondays! - March 3rd - 3pm- 5pm

Dance Team/ Colorguard Mandatory Meeting - March 4th - 6pm

Leadership Mondays! - March 10th - 3pm- 5pm

Band Booster Meeting! - March 10th - 6:30pm

Spring Break! - March 17th-21st

Leadership Mondays! - March 24th - 3pm- 5pm

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Begins - March 24th- April 4th

Leadership Mondays! - April 4th - 3pm- 5pm

Leadership Mondays! - April 7th - 3pm- 5pm

Majorette Clinics - April 7th - 3pm- 5pm

Percussion Mandatory Parent Meeting - April 7th - 6pm

Majorette Clinics - April 8th - 3pm- 5pm

Majorette Clinics - April 9th - 3pm- 5pm

Majorette Auditions - April 10th - 3pm- 5pm

Leadership Mondays! - April 14th - 3pm- 5pm

Band Booster Meeting! - April 14th - 6:30pm

Leadership Mondays! - April 21st - 3pm- 5pm

Student Staff Interviews - April 28th-29th

Percussion Clinics - April 29th - 4pm

Drum Major Auditions - April 30th

Music Ensemble Auditions Begin - April 30th


Small Ensemble Sectionals (Wind Ensemble) (Student Led) - March 4th - 2:30pm- 3:30pm

Large Ensemble Sectionals (Wind Ensemble) (Student Led) - March 6th - 2:45pm- 3:30pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal - March 6th - 4pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal - March 13th - 4pm- 6pm

All Ensembles Timing Rehearsal - March 27th - 3pm- 6pm

Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal - March 28th - 1:40pm- 4pm

Prism Concert Dress Rehearsal - March 31st - 3pm- 6pm

Prism Concert Dress Rehearsal - April 1st - 3pm- 6pm

Prism Concert Dress Rehearsal - April 2nd - 3pm- 6pm

Symphonic Band Rehearsal - April 8th - 3pm- 5pm

Symphonic Band Rehearsal - April 10th - 3pm- 5pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal - April 17th - 4pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble State Dress Rehearsal - April 22nd - 3pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble State Dress Rehearsal - April 24th - 3pm- 6pm


CONCERT MUSIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT #1 (Link to Itinerary) - March 8th - 12pm

Pre- MPA Concert (Symphonic Band) - March 11th - 6:30pm

State Solo and Ensemble - March 29th

BCHS Prism Concert - April 3rd - 7pm

JU Jazz Festival - April 5th

Jazz Performs at First Assembly Macclenny - April 6th - 9am

Orange Blossom Jazz Festival - April 11th

CONCERT MUSIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT #2 (Link to Itinerary) - April 12th



Things to Note 🎵:

Scholarships! Please Read!

Each year the Baker County Band Boosters offer a Senior Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 and a Summer Music Camp Scholarship in the amount of $150.00. Those applications are now available. If you have any questions about either scholarship, please don't hesitate to reach out. Application deadline is April 1, 2025.

Leadership Mondays!

Leadership Mondays begin on Monday, March 3rd from 3pm to 5pm. Everyone in our High School Band is welcome to attend, whether or not they intend to apply for a position of leadership.

If you do intend to apply for a position of leadership, you are expected to attend and may not miss any meeting unexcused, or miss more than 2 excused. Those intending to apply for a position of leadership must also meet the general requirements:

General Requirements

(Students who do not meet these requirements will not qualify for a position on the Leadership Team)

*Must have a 2.0 or Higher GPA and no ‘D’ or ‘F’ grades in any class (Q3, Q4, and Final Grade).

*Must have no disciplinary referrals exceeding those of Tardy referrals.

*Must have ‘Good Standing’ for Attendance. (No more than 9 Unexcused Absences in a semester). (All Year)

*Must have satisfactory attendance at Leadership Mondays (Miss no more than two excused, no unexcused absences).

*Submit an application for a position on Student Staff.

*Submit a Professional Resume (on the application).

*Submit a Professional Cover Letter (on the application).

*Complete an Interview with the Band Director (and other Directors if applicable).

Everyone planning to come to Leadership Mondays should purchase Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success by John Wooden. We will be reading this text (it is a pretty easy read). I recommend purchasing the paperback version. If you are also an auditory version like I am, you can get the audiobook, but you should still purchase a physical copy.

You will need to have read all the introductory chapters through Building Block 4: Cooperation before the first meeting.

Commitment Night!

Band Commitment Night is on April 18th, 2025! All students (and their parent[s]/ guardian[s]) who intend to be a part of the High School Band for the 2025-26 School Year need to be in attendance!

Please read the document below for information about Commitment Night, Dates, Band Dues, and more!




Birthday Announcements!


By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.

According to Band App, there are two birthdays this week!

Happy Birthday to Luke Padgett (3/7) and Victoria Butler (3/8)!

Let's have a great week everyone!



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